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Fox Magnet

Product Tag: Fox Magnet

Site Installed: Chicken Farm – Melbourne, Victoria

Situation: A boutique chicken farm was losing chickens to foxes. The owner deployed the Fox Magnet Trap and regularly and humanely caught foxes to reduce the impact and stock losses.

Bird Species: Foxes

Pest Bird Impact: Stock losses

Product: Fox Magnet.

Result: A reduction process is ongoing.

Product Tag: Fox Magnet

Site Installed: Hobby Farm – Melbourne, Victoria

Situation: An acreage on the outskirts of Melbourne farm was losing chickens to foxes. The owner deployed the Fox Magnet Trap and regularly and humanely caught foxes to reduce the impact and stock losses. This fox shown was an older male which was the last to be caught for some time.

Bird Species: Foxes AvePro Shock Track

Pest Bird Impact: Distress and pet chicken losses

Product: Fox Magnet.

Result: A reduction process is ongoing.