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Electronic Bird Sensors

AveSense Avian Sensors

AveSense Avian Sensors provide a world-first in pest bird management and deterrence strategies. Deploying the right bird management system from the outset as well as prompt action to monitor and control pest bird activity offer significant cost-saving benefits. The AveSense Avian Sensors open the door for groundbreaking advancements in pest bird control by equipping the user with a new level of informed decision making to avoid expensive damage and destruction.

AveSense Avian sensors management system works by tracking a sensor count which reveals bird population density as well as the distribution profile of bird movement. With this vital information, the appropriate pest bird deterrent system can be activated. In a recent study undertaken in a large Aircraft Hangar in which the new AveSense Avian sensors were used, the devastating effects of pest bird infiltration were successfully mitigated by 97% upwards.


In this new COVID World, where viruses, bacteria, hygiene and zoonotic diseases are part of the public’s daily vocabulary, sensor technology provides a safer working environment by reducing face to face interaction and leads the way forward for future pest management systems. The new generation AveSense Avian Sensors provide many benefits which include:

  • Detection
  • Tracking
  • Density profiling
  • Automated reporting with real-time data
  • Heat mapping
  • A sophisticated algorithm-driven dashboard
  • Trend analysis
  • Detailed reporting structure for HACCP, AIB and other food or workplace safety systems

The above image shows heat mapping – both the population density and distribution profiling. Initially the deterrent changed the birds’ movement profile in the facility whereby the birds only congregated at the front hangar doors closer to exit and an easy escape from the deterrent system itself.

  • The graph shows the bird activity prior to the installation and the change to the bird activity after August 19, 2019 when the deterrent system was commissioned. During times of the deterrent system isolation, maintenance or power outages the birds of both species returned in large numbers. When the system was operational the birds left en masse. The AvesSense sensors measured bird movement by registering activations and aiding the scientific and statistical demonstration of the ultimate success of the program.

Want more information – Check out our article in Professional Pest Managers magazine here!