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Eagle Eye

Product Tag: Eagle Eye

Site Installed: Apartment Building - St Kilda, VIC

Situation: Pigeons sitting around on the edge of penthouse pool

Bird Species: Pigeon

Pest Bird Impact: Defecation around pool which then falls into the Pool creating a health hazard

Product: Solar Powered Eagle Eye

Result: No Pigeon activity around pool (and roof area) post installation

Product Tag: Eagle Eye

Site Installed: Correctional Facility - Ravenhall, VIC

Situation: Pigeons and Silver Gulls constantly roosting across buildings and defecating across windows and gutters

Bird Species: Pigeons and Silver Gulls

Pest Bird Impact: Health hazard to those who live and work in the area, clogged gutters and significant damage to building surfaces

Product: Eagle Eye SILVER 10w Solar Kit

Result: No pest birds in areas treated with Eagle Eye

Product Tag: Eagle Eye (supported by netting, bird shock and spikes)

Site Installed: Hospital - Regional QLD

Situation: A large hospital complex had a substantial pigeon population impacting all buildings on the site, including heritage listed buildings. There was a perceived risk of disease transfer to building occupants, patients, and hospital staff

Bird Species: Pigeons

Pest Bird Impact: There was a risk of potential site contamination and damage to building surfaces was extreme. Cleaning costs and damaged the roofs by caustic bird feces was also significant

Product: Eagle Eye units, approx. 20 units

Result: A significant reduction as per the manufacturers recommendations was achieved

Product Tag: Eagle Eye

Site Installed: Golf Course - Southern Sydney, NSW

Situation: Cockatoos impacting the playing surfaces on a golf course

Bird Species: Little Corellas

Pest Bird Impact: Corellas were digging up golf greens, ovals and tennis courts in numerous sites – Sydney, Kiama, Port Kembla, Yarrawonga and Echuka to name but a few

Product: Eagle Eye units

Result: A significant reduction “greater” than the manufacturers recommendations was achieved

Product Tag: Eagle Eye (supported by netting)

Site Installed: Pet Food Manufacturer - Brisbane, QLD

Situation: A large grain complex had a substantial pigeon population impacting all buildings on the site. There was a risk of food contamination and disease transfer facility personnel

Bird Species: Pigeons

Pest Bird Impact: There was a risk of potential site contamination and damage to building surfaces was extreme. Cleaning costs and damaged the roofs by caustic bird feces was also significant

Product: Eagle Eye units, approx. 5 units

Result: A significant reduction as per the manufacturers recommendations was achieved